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Some people just command respect due to their character and the way they carry themselves.

One such woman is a grandmother who with a smile on her face told me she remembers carrying me in her arms and singing to me when I was a little one but there’s no way she could do that now.

I replied that as a child I remember having to look up at her and even though I’m taller than she is now I continue to look up at her – and that’s the truth of it.

As fine and good a nations woman as you can run across – grounded in all the right things without an ounce of pretense.

I doubt she knows who Brangelina is and if she did wouldn’t go on the internet professing a broken heart that they’ve split the sheets – if she were to go on the internet and see a Kardashian selfie I believe she would be embarrassed for the poster and find the compulsion unfathomable.

Call that “old school” or what you will but she has a sense of what is important and what is not, and none of that figures into it.

This is a woman who gives and could care less about receiving attention for a good deed understanding that it is the deed that has value and not the attention.

Politically correct? Well you might say so depending on interpretation as she isn’t inclined to maliciousness and cares about the feelings of others, but at the same time will speak her mind believing honesty always trumps deception and will only tolerate a certain amount of foolishness.

I saw her double up her fist and put a man on the ground once for pushing a five or six year old child and saying “get that goddam kid out of the way” – that kid was me.

I may be taller than her now but in her presence I am always looking up, and it is a privilege to do so….

by Rezinate on September 25, 2016:…/25/commanding-respect/


reminds me of Mrs. Rita Joe – time interval 2:10


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