A Date with Destiny

Screenshot-2014-07-14-12.24IP Visator – Executive Office of the President

armsIP Visator U.S Senate Sergent of Arms – Harry Reid


July 20 2014 – CheckMate:  “A Date with Destiny”

James Abourezks Date with LBW ….!


LBW has always stated when she had the irrefutable evidence of whom in the US Government orchestrated her rape and molestation by Abourezks butt buddy and AIM leader, Russel Means with 18 AIM members in the room (who did nothing to prevent it when LBW was 17yrs old) while AIM was on the Trail of Broken Treaties 1972.


News Alert: * That date has arrived! It is more than clear to anyone who has read the most recent material posted on LBW/Suzanne Dupree’s word press blog (lookingbackwoman.wordpress.com) , with Kenya born Obama’s office capturing from LBW’s website John Trimbach’s AIM Myths (lookingbackwoman.ca)


The Executive Office of the President of the United States, who’s close relation with Abourezk from numerous sources from 2010 show “Code pink” 2002 www.jewishworldreview.com, formed “Oh the Shame of it All”


Far left wing Western activists , Bill Ayres (Weatherman) , Bernadine Dorn, Ward Churchhill (government operative) who negated LBW’s father, Calvin Dupree’s work in academia , outed as an academic fraud, and Abourezk, former S.D Senator, and whom headed the Committee for Indian Affairs during the American Indian Movements reign of terror against authentic traditional Native leaders in the 1970’s to current times, show the over whelming evidence through their actions on the global stage of terrorism and lack of leadership on Ayres/Dorn financed since 1996 pupet Kenya born Obama.


That these treasonous individuals have sided with US enemies against the US and its allies to the point of using psychological warfare against our US soldiers, who received “Pink Slips of their dismissal” , while still on the active duty, in the battle field, and with the defunding and dismantling of our US Armed Forces, With James Abourezk as Obamas advisor to Israel and the Middle East. Obama trying to hide his assets and advisors and major funding sources.


What Abourezk used in the 1970’s against Indian Country as LBW has stated years ago, is now being used against mainstream Americans, using the Executive Office of the President of the United States to do so, Yes, indeed as Bill Ayres wrote in 1973


“We are everywhere!” As LBW was lead by Spirit in 2009 by reading “Helter Skelter” and connecting the dots between Charles Manson psychological hold on youth to do his bedding, murders in 1969 of Sharon Tate and others ….and his Manson’s plan for “Helter Skelter” and chaos creating the belief that Balcks were responsible for Manson’s serial murders, which Ayres and Dorn endorsed as Weathermen as “Cool Killing”. Those rich establishment pigs lay the trail from Manson to the Executive Office using Rev. Sun Moon’s psychological programming called “the Process” and taught to the CIA and other government agencies and used by Ron L. Hubbard’s Scientology , Jim Jones in Guana, the American Indian Movement and of course Charles Manson, fed to us via Hollyweird and all of you can see and feel the results of the darkness and confusion that has resulted over the last 40 plus years of urban domestic terrorists like Abourezk and Ayres influence thru government and academia of our youth and children , which began with the Manifest Destiny and genocide since contact with 1st Nations people, which went uncheckes over desire of the 1st immigrants greed for $, land and our resources to coming (global destructs) full circle today with wars laid at the feet of descendants of those 1st immigrants.


In all aspects of these actions by Abourezk, one only needs to know where he came from , a Lebanese peddlers son drunk on power and unfetted corruption from the highest office since Nixon to Obama. Marrried to a Syrian after divorcing his 1st wife which has conveniently died in 2012 and his AIM involved adopted son Charlie who was present at Bill Means house the night before Annie Mae Pictou-Aquash was raped and murdered by John Boy Graham at the request of Abourezk via AIM leadership. , and Alex O’Day murdered by Bill Ayres , specifically , a pipe bomb, Abourezk has always been the man behind the curtain in the wonderfully and corrupt land of Oz, the Wizard who has stated “the AIM Boys had Russian riffles at Wounded Knee 1973” , in his own bragging, easily found documents.


The man whom if in his own culture would have no limbs at all, for 1st offense the hand or the thief is cut off, then he has to eat with the same hand he wipes his behind with , a definite deterrent to a thief, but not here in America. We reward evil and darkness with celebrity , fame and fortune, like with pedophiles Banks and Means. It has been clear to all who are spiritual traditionalists like LBW why the staged government event called by the drive by Media, the Siege of Wounded Knee 1973 occurred by the militant domestic terrorists AIM.

The American Indian movement was created as the Trogan Horse against 1st Nations people because despite small pox blankets , starvation, rape of the women and children , we survived and remembered and observed how Hitler used US tactics against 1st Nations people as his blue print of ethnic cleansing of the Jews/WWII


But wait …. One burning question should be asked , why would David Geffin do this to his own people by funding Obama?? , When the Clintons refused to pardon Peltier???


Ask why Harey Arden knew all about Obama and his Presidency in 2007 , 2 yrs before the election results, yet another connection to the fraud Arvol Looking Horse!

Harvey Arden!!!! and that email to My Two Beads Worth , publisher , Jeannie!!!! and his support for Peltier. Aoburezk was in the middle East with the Arab terrorists and the Russians!!!! in the 1960’s in the posed Material and other documents from Abourezk own personal writings, which are rapidly disappearing, like Lois Lerners IRS emails, vis scandals and death of our vets, Bengazi murders of the 4 Americans, No action in Syria , or against Putins recent moves in the Ukraine.


This has been orchestrated by Abourezk and Ayres for over 40yrs. The Destruction of America and American values , Morality, and Constitutional Rights, these pressing issues can no longer be thought of as honey scandals, un obstructed by the Eric Holder Pelosi and Reid, they got theirs and now screw everyone else.


You want to know about the illegal immigrants flooding our southern boarders??? All you have to do Israel LBW/Suzanne Dupree’s WordPress blog covering Leonard ShowDogs apprentices Steve McCollough and Barbara Three Crows Joining the Eagle and the Condor to understand why people with less than $150 dollars a year income have knowledge of Obama’s Open Door Policies.


The government has always used and abused children and youth, these children, by no fault of their own , but by design carry diseases Americans should be very concerned about, TB, Chicken pox/Shingles, scabies/infantago whooing cough, the very same techniques used against 1st nations people with small pox/TB infected blankets handed out to us after they/ i.e the government killed off our food sources


There are no rules, moral compass to Code Pink members, their agenda is on track! No wonder Obama wanted nothing to do with going to the border and possibly being infected and taking one of those diseases home to Michelle or his children, JZ or Boncee or his chosen people, like those stealing your hard earned tax dollars and controlling your health care, or lack of there of!!!!


To make sure the illegal immigrants infiltrate our very homes, people in drought plaqued California are being offered 6 to 8 thousand per illegal immigrant they house. Desprate things … ask 1st nations people who have survived, and watched the Hollyweird Cigar Store 1st Nations phonies and frauds like AIM take everything from them that they held dear.


If you don’t toe the Obama Abourezk line you are set up by the IRS, Dept of Ecology, EPA or other government controlled agencies to be discredited, or to appear crazy …. So how are you doing Phil Lane Jr?? , Faith Spotted Eagle?? , Delora??, your Bahi faith , head office in Halfa Isreal!!!

You are all so much of this fraud, obstruction, corruption and cronyism, as Abourezk and Ayres and you will be held accountable to your father , my father and your Ancestors, the guardians and the Thunder Beings who created the te Hincala Cannumpa Kin to be used as a Peacemaker between Nations.


No wonder 25 million Russian assigned the petition to free Peltier , Abourezk’s connection to AIM and Russia dating all the way back to the 1960’s , 1970’s to current times, with Abourezk as Obama’s advisor to Israel and the Middle East thre is no deterrent to our enemies


The very same reason why AIM had a free hand in the murder and mayhem in Indian Country , you have the fox in the hen house with nothing that will stop the obvious outcome of the fox being there.


So , James Abourezk, you and I have a date with Destiny, you Obama and Ayres along with Ward Churchill have know for years this day was on the horizon.


If you ever watched the “Girl with the Dragon Tatoo” , you know what she did to her abuser. And, the serial murders of Women using the scripture to orchestrate their mutilations and rapes from father to son, including the regular rape of daughter and sister.

Once the evidence is clear and over whelming, the hunter becomes the hunted by the women they abused and murdered. This is for all those expendable innocent victims our government set up for ethnic cleansings and abuse.


Set your phone, tablets, laptops and electronics down and focus on the reality at hand. Only united will we be able to survive what has been carefully planned and implemented to destroy us, our children, and our country. And, remember the Pte Hincala Cannunpa Kin shall prevail and be used against the darkness and evil that permeates every aspect of our lives.


The solution via the Cannunpa?/ for the DarkHorse of the Apocolys Abourezk, Ayres and their likes??? If you really want to stop terrorism, cut the head off the snake. Demand all news agencies to report the news, not the scripted talking points ….. Look at your children and grand children’s faces, protect their future at all costs, do not wait for someone else to do it for you.


Code Pink Board members and affiliates should be tried for treason and hung on the White House Lawn for all to see, including the puppet and his helpers


But remember one thing, the wizard is mine and I shall make the Girl with the Dragon Tatoo look like a choirs girl and I shall not have to use any violence at all, only the wizards cowardice and guilt.


The guilty always betray themselves with their sense of entitlement and arrogance. In the film the Girl with the Dragon Tatoo only had to hunt the hunter for him to destroy himself. The difference between she and I , I have no piercing , tattoos or bad hair and I am not AC/DC and This is Reality. , not a scripted fantasy however, the outcome will be the same, destruction of evil and their agenda.


Now, let all focus on what is important, there is not much time before school stars and our children are exposed to the infected and you realize Obama Care is just part of the Dark Horse’s Agenda.

Focus on the real enemies, they are already tracking every move, in our homes, cars, phones and children’s education. There is no where to hide or to be safe, stand up and fight !!!!

[transferred to digital format from hand writing on paper by Choupique, July 27,2014
archieved at  http://aimcoc.5gbfree.com/date.html and numerous fb sites and https://jpwade.wordpress.com/2014/07/28/a-date-with-destiny/ , with permission from LBW/Suzanne Dupree]



Setting Up Avenues to Shelter ISIS in Our BackYards

Russell Means, Dennis Banks, James Abourezk, Clyde Bellecourt – 2012

Just before the Vern Travasie b.s kkk carving script where LastRealIndians was birthed, that was followed up with LRI’s Save the Black Hills global fund raising scam to secure a financial foundation for the re-branding of AIM to Last Real Indians

Get It?

Since the early 1970’s former senator Arab (Lebanese)-American James Abourezk started comparing the Israel / Palestine conflict to that of Native Americans and the U.S government.

He categorized Palestinians as Indigenous people to garnish support and sympathy for his agenda to create  militant domestic terrorist on this continent.

His social programing script is NOW being played out on Main_Stream Americans with support from the Executive Office of the President. (Obama)

lri homegrown terrorists



What Was Ward ChurchHill with Bernadette Dorn in Gaza For?


Mr. U.S  Academia Indian Studies Guru eh?

Get IT ?

“10-5 prepared to continue its hard-line policies asaiust the U.S. and Israel. ~ The Geneva conference represents nothing more than a “change of venue for technical m i l i t a r y talks” claims Iraqi Undersecretary Shata el- Taqa of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Taqa and other government and Baath party officials received Sen. James Abourzek. D-S.D., here for discussions of the Middle East conflict.

While this represented the first visit to Baghdad by an elected American official since before the 1967 Arab-Israeli w a r , government and diplomatic sources here said the visit does not represent a softening in the Iraqi position.

Independent from Long Beach, California · Page 22
Thursday, January 10, 1974



Take this for what it’s worth, the puppet masters b.s ploys have just been heightened in our back yard to the next level in Ferguson with the New_Black Panther Islamic BrotherHood, their heightened ploy that is being cloaked under the disguise of a racial issue.

“it is not “Afghanistan” or “Islamic jihad” that poses the biggest threat to America but rather “these racist white folks” who are “running” the country.” ~Hashim Nzinga – the leader of the New Black Panther Party~



FB Postings

So just who is in Solidarity with who creating a link between violence and the Sacred (at least for some people).


3 Responses to “A Date with Destiny”

  1. nmorgan75 Says:


  2. CheckMate: “A Date with Destiny” | Looking Back Woman-Suzanne Dupree blog Says:

    […] by Choupique, July 27,2014 achieved at aimcoc.5megsfree.com/date.html and numerous fb sites and https://jpwade.wordpress.com/2014/07/28/a-date-with-destiny/, with permission from LBW/Suzanne […]

  3. Slipping into Darkness while Laughing at the Moon | Influenced to Death Says:

    […] For What It's Worth « A Date with Destiny […]

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