Archive for August, 2015

Honor the Earth Pedophilia Healers

August 23, 2015


For years and years, notification after notification, children have reported sexual abuse from so called healers, medicine men, activists, indian study academic guru’s, etc.,  who are continuously allowed to pretend being advocates for preservation of 1st Nations identity, cultural traits and beliefs.

Yep, community members go silent, tribal health care workers go silent, tribal law enforcement go silent about such abuses while they all continue to put icing on the horrors and project everything is peachy for the lives that have been ruined, for the culture that has been ruined, for the beliefs and traditions that have been ruined, while those same continue to mask such illness prance about saying how their world views and ideologies will help the non-tribal communities to advance with healing.

People like Michael Dahl, Eddie Benton Banais, Leonard Crow Dog, etc. and so called academic grand poo pah’s should have, in many instances, faced judges and the judiciary system for their sexual acts against children, in place of being shifted from this position to that position, in some instances with promotions while their sick actions are passed along to the next generation of followers.

All of those same smucks want to call for federal funding , grant monies to address violence against women, sex trafficking, child abuse, alcoholism and substance abuse, mental illness. Those who speak up against such sickness are blundered, forced out of employment, stripped of services from the tribes, and degraded along with their family members.

It Is what it Is , Hate has No Logic!

Mike Dahl (middle)


Calling Child Sex Abuse a Personal Matter is about as WEAK as calling Acts of Terrorism work space violence. Lets practice the Peace and Tolerance B.S OR GE BLUNDERED !

Not unexpected from people who have had their world views and ideologies altered by the American Indian Movement Old Guard Mentality and fear being blundered as the teachings of AIM dictates when  cash crop icons  are threatened and called out to be accountable and responsible for VIOLENT SICK ACTIONS ….

Wino is just as much an enabler as those who are too weak to voice out sickness for what it is.

How about a peacemaker and sentencing circle to establish bonding between the pedophile sicko’s and the children they have assaulted , just great for addressing the trauma seeded into the child’s soul  ,  eh?

Q: Where does a child turn after community, health services, law enforcement have turned a deaf ear and blind eye to justice for the sickness and hatred witnessed by those children?

A: Alone in a dark corner of their room , trying to figure out why their life is so meaningless to those who are suppose to be protecting them.

Looking for a way out of Life because of the Betrayal !


Board of Directors for Wellness in the Woods with Wino na’s

cherished and nurtured Medicine Man of White Earth, Mike Dahl

Juanita BlackHawk (top right)

Mike Dahl (bottom left)

blackhawk and dahl

Caution to those who try  to hold people accountable and responsible for their actions,  or be the next to be shoved out of the Door, falsely arrested, along with other attempts to blunder you into submission.

These same working groups of so called Spirituality and Healing now want to bring such B.S to the doorstep of U.S Veterans and other non-tribal community needs (main-stream america)  for Mental Illness/Wellness Healing.

**** update: April 2016 ****

BlackHawk replies noted in April 2016 blog ….

Pedophile Protectors for State/County Mental Health

Pedophile Protectors for State/County Mental Health

**** end update ****

As mentioned in my previous blog, just ask Al Franken!
blackhawk and franken

Saturday Night Live Comedian AL and Rick Nolan’s push for increase of Veterans Services and Rural Mental Health Services has taken on a new TWIST …. Wellness Groups with WRAP agenda’s that equate to Shake and Bake, Traveling Medicine Men concoction cures that can fix anything from dry spells to toe corns! , under the pretense of,  and coined as “Holistic Healing” , which is the  modern times and trends of cultural appropriation of ancestry’s teachings that have been twisted over the years by the pan ameircan and new age identity altering scripts.

“Our organization is committed to weaving Wellness Recovery Action Planning into the fabric of our system of care, so we can provide alternatives and a holistic framework to support individuals through their journey towards wellness and recovery.” ~Copeland Center for Wellness and Recovery – Developer of WRAP~

Seinfeld – Holistic Healer Scene for your Journey, as per the end of the video , to the hospital, nut house or grave, if one does not conform to acceptance of the peace and tolerance programming.



More Shake and Bake to assist the Veterans and non-tribal community


Seriously, the Soldiers of this county that continue to witness the mental anguish from action from their services DO_NOT need such B.S that has been administered to NDN Country since the 70’s.

Especially from those  within the Nations who have Totally Failed the Youth while pursuing their careers of recognition and grandeur at the expense of enabling the total breakdown of family structure in our communities because of their silence.

These posers who claim to be representatives of Ancestry’s Expectations, are  right in line with that Syrian Peddlers Son who re-branded the American Indian Movement by creating LastRealIndians / LR Inspire.


lriGlorifying the Hanging of Priest , just what the youth need for inspiration eh?

If anyone believes Rick Nolan and Al Franken who sit under the umbrella of James Abourezk  are_not_aware of what is happening OR believe those same, are_not_promoting the continuance since the 70’s, of  the same crap onto Native Communities , with the intent to bring such Sick Chit onto Main Stream America ….  Do Your HomeWork !!!!

Wellness in the Woods fb dialog , worth a review


Joe Wade: in closing you say “We do not offer spiritual teachings only connect individuals and communities with resources”

that is such a line of deception, here is one of your promoted events through working groups, you should add to the place matt a UFO object for this shake and bake concoction of new age native teachings with the abalone shell for smudging, asema medicine pouch, and whatever other spices of superstition laid on that matt within that circle of paper plates with fluffy words for seduction.

please re-check your evidence based ethical practice barometer , it is very evident you are a few bars above zero with all this craziness.


Lot of Wellness and Healing Going on  eh?

When You Believe in Things You Don’t Understand, Then You Suffer!

Superstition Ain’t the Way ….

~Superstition – Stevie Wonder~

Truth and Reconciliation Healing – Pick Your Flavor

Truth and Reconciliation Healing – Pick Your Flavor


How about getting back to the basics by remembering

when spirituality is abused, Illness follows ….


Get Ready for the upcoming Medical Marijuana Twinkies 

to go with the newest crock pot scripts –  to slow cook minds


One thing is certain with cultural appropriators, whether tribal or non , they hang together and  take no prisoners, everyone is game from the child to Vet to the Elder.


WCCO News – What a Crock of Crap Onomatophobia journalists

August 11, 2015

Onomatophobia:  A Fear of words because of their significance.

What is WCCO News Fearful of ????



Banned from WCCO News fb site after,

WCCO Deletes Comment Replies





jw Joe Wade How about if we just toss them off the cliff, or send them down the river face down as ancestry did , I am talking the real deal of 1st Nations judicial practices 🙂

in place of going with the state and county mutual agreements of understanding with Tribal Courts with the intent to bring so_called_traditional native american judiciary practices into state and county courts with Peacemaker TRIBUNALS and holistic Healing CIRCLES. Lets just wave a feather over the sicko’s heads and have everyone sit in circles giving each other hugs eh?

Peace and Tolerance , coming to your doorstep main stream ameirca under the cloak of so called traditional native american values, beliefs and practices created by the pan-ameircn movement initiated in the early 70’s with the american indian movement , during the same years the pan-arab movement in the arab/persian countries was imitated through the Baath Party (PLO) that transformed the world views, ideologies and beliefs into so called peace and tolerance….

Isn’t it just great that the Dept. of Justice (DOJ) under the Obama administration has soooo many people at the helm who are of OR WHO_ARE proponents of the Muslim Faith …. Get It?

spearheaded by the same idiot who directed the pan-american indian identity altering scripts through the Ameircan Indian Movement t, who also directed the pan-arab movement , during the same years when he was in the 70’s the 1st u.s diplomat after the days of the 1967 Arab-Israeli War war to enter the israel/palestine concerns, of course in support of the Baath Party ….

Here is a bit on that Syrian Peddlers son today and how his efforts are being propagated by the media ….

My Voice: Is death penalty too costly for taxpayers?
An opinion piece by James Abourezk

jw Joe Wade sustainability my arse! , it’s about shoving peace and tolerance down the throat of main stream america …. just ask Al Franken 🙂


[End of FB Replies Deleted by WCCO]


 Reiterating my comment reply at the Arugus Leader 

to Assborek’s editorial “My Voice”


jw Joe Wade  Hey SCUM BAG, Yes we are still walking around, even with your continued attempts to give us dirt naps …. as said before get the hell out of our camp!!!

Abourezk’s Tin Soldiers – Creating 1st Nations Hate Machines

“For example, Since the 70’s Abourezk has advocated support for the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) , Symbionese Liberation Army (SLA) and developed many working relationships with terrorist icons in the Arab states, the Ukraine, Cuba , etc …. , he was the 1st u.s diplomat to enter negations with Islamic icons since after the days of the 1967 Arab-Israeli War in support of terrorist groups.

In the 70’s Abourezk with his working groups advocated for a terrorist held in Israel to be released, resulting in that person being flown to Jim Jones of the people’s temple, Jim Jones during those days also held working relationships with Dennis Banks and AIM.

It was during these days Abourezk started categorizing Palestine people as “indigenous” in order to garnish support for islamic terrorist icons from 1st Nations people on this continent, to this day Abourezk and working groups continue to promote those of Islamic Ideologies and worldviews as “indigenous people”.

Where is Syrian James Abourezk today in all this mess? , Sitting next to Obama and Valarie Jarret as an adviser for foreign policy, along with Bill Ayres, Ward Churchill working groups, in support to the recreate a Islamic Caliphate (ISIS), while the media and Obama’s gov. handlers push to change the ideology of americans by classifying current islamic attackers in our country today as “mental illness” …..

this country is full of basket cases that actually buy into their b.s script of social manipulation chaos.” ….


With Regard and Respect …. Listen !!!!

Scott Kayla Morriosn

(murdered 2 weeks after this speech)

Part 1

Part 2
