Archive for October, 2012

Self Genocide – In Response to Good Riddance Hustler Means

October 31, 2012

There is nothing respectful towards the Cannunpa when people are taught to stay silent about abuse. The mindset  created from corrupted teachings,  “I did come across some shocking incidences involving pipe carriers…..they will go unnamed out of respect to the pipe” ~SW~ ,  is one of the ultimate forms of disrespect towards “it’s” teachings and a beginning point of self destruction for tradition.

AIM IndoctriNation Policy

This disrespect is generated by the “mentality and teachings” that have bastardized culture and tradition and perpetrated genocide from within 1st Nations. Too many people today, point the finger of cause at all other for the growing statistics of abuse and social dysfunction.

Too many youth, since the days of the Wounded Knee Siege, have been Indoctrinated to blunder one another, rape one another, and whore off one another as a result of that mindset, mentality. Too many kids today are doing as they have been taught by the mentality of role models such as those like the Hustler who are supported and promoted as traditional elders  by some of the 1st Nations representatives, educational systems and media.

Oct. 28, 2012 , fb reply to Good Riddens RM

SW: I had no idea….I lived with the Nakoda and Lakota for 4 years, shared their ceremonies, cooked their food, cleaned their house.

I did come across some shocking incidences involving pipe carriers…..they will go unnamed out of respect to the pipe

I truely believed Russel Means was above that. But, when another, shall we say, “Spiritual leader” commits many rapes on boys as well as girls, and gets away with it because of his rank, then I guess anything is possible.

Thank you Joe Wade for your info. I always try to see the good in people. Sometimes I am shocked back to reality!


What Would Have Happened Yesterday

Mi`kmaq (Abenaki ,People of the Dawn) design of catlinite are found as far south as the Gulf and from the Atlantic Ocean to the Rocky mountains, engraved with four hearts on both sides which could be an Osage design

Place yourself within community prior to the days of foreign belief system influence on culture, and imagine how people would have responded to their children being raped and abused from someone who was “considered” a spiritual person. Would people have protected their way of life by not making others aware of the ill spirit that conducted activity of abuse, saying their reason for Silence was for the respect of belief, NO!.

People can not pass responsibility onto the influence of new belief systems in today’s corrupted cultural and spiritual teachings. This mindset is a direct result from the teachings within community by the likes of Means, Banks, ShowDog, etc …. And yet today, some  1st Nations representatives who are aware of the ill behavior, excuse such people and place them on pedestals as champions, as role models for the youth and as a result 1st Nations are killing themselves from within; Self-Genocide.


Mr. Hustler would not even be honest with his identity

“In 1983-1984, when I was working in the Archives of the Oglala Lakota College, I was shown the genealogy of Russell Means: A white army man, Colonel Means, married a Crow woman and settled in Pine Ridge. One of his sons, Hank Means, Russell’s father, was half white, half Crow. He in turn married a Yankton woman who gave birth to Russell and his three brothers. The Yankton are Nakota, not Lakota. The Nakota are a group of the Great Sioux Nation which differed from the Lakota and the Dakota by language, traditions, and mode of life..Therefore, Russell Means would be half Nakota, one quarter Crow, and one quarter white. 0% Lakota. Please correct me if I am wrong.” source: comments at


Hustler Supporters Fighting to Save Culture and Tradition

Some of the Tribal colleges, Tribal Representatives, Tribal Media minimize abuse and ill actions of so called champions by saying people like the Hustler is a controversial figure and in doing so they minimize acts of rape, lying to the world about the murders of people such as Annie Mae, Perry Ray, and numerous other innocents.

Those supporters will huff and puff about mascot’s and cartoon pictures, which are nothing more than diversions from the abuse that has been created by ill spirits such as the Hustler.


Why will no one Help !

Amazing how people sit back and watch the internal conflict. They support such illness as the Hustler’s mentality and hide his actions, while they observe the youth kill off one another, and then wonder why no one will get involved or care when their own children end up being another statistic.

Perhaps people should start asking  why those statistics have constantly increased across just about all reservations since the days of the Wounded Knee Siege and the hijacking of Lakota Spiritual Legacy,  In place of people promoting blAIM.



 “Bear” and the Truths

What is Leech Lake Tribal College Hiding by Deleting Posts

Joe Wade > “if LLTC elects to delete the above postings,it will be no different than AIM an affiliates burying the truths of Annie Mae Pictou Aquash, Perry Ray Robinson Jr., the numerous innocents buried at wounded knee as reported by Lakota Spiritual person Matthew King who was the interpreter for Fools Crow , that King reported to the FBI ,so if the truths are too much to “bear” , delete away and continue onward supporting those with the blood of innocents on their hands , thou keep in mind by doing so, i.e hiding, excusing, supporting such one also carries that blood to some degree, its a basic morals and ethics thing and it is something that can not be hidden from ancestry”


In other words Shsssssh …. ,

to enable the movement  of violent illness created by those

who held their own interest above 1st Nations


Good Riddance Russell Means

October 23, 2012

At time interval 7:00 Russell says Clyde & Vernon ordered the execution of Annie Mae,  Who authorized the command?


Now we have the “Last Real Indians” to follow up with the destruction of destroyers, a ripple of upcoming wanderer’s who mimic those who never were  warriors.

Many people have and will continue to support murderers of innocents, that is their choice to carry the blood of innocents on their hands by doing so, not me, i don’t care where they are, in another world or whatever,  I hold no respect or regard for the likes of Means.

Truths maintain their value when one is dead or alive,  Means and Vern will wander with the blood of innocents on his hands, and those who support them wear that blood the same, these are basic laws of morals and ethics , and death does not wash that away.

History nor the media can wash away what Means, Banks, Vern, Clyde, Crow Dog, / AIM has done, the murders of innocents such as Perry Ray Robinson Jr., Annie Mae Pictou Aquash, the women murdered at the AIM wounded knee occupation as reported by spiritual leader Matthew King to the FBI, nor the numerous other innocents murdered over the years, nor the rapes, beatings and abuse children have had to endure over the years because of their actions and bastardized teachings and hijacking of spirituality.


Q & A

Q: Why does the Media and Academic America  and Pro-AIM  Idiots categorize Russell Means as

“a controversial figure while also noting what are considered his contributions to contemporary American Indian politics.”

A: To deny , excuse and try to hide the fact that he was a  Rapits, murderer and lying  piece of garbage


    Looking Back Woman-Suzanne Dupree

October 22, 2012 at 7:01 pm said:

extracted from the comments section at Rezinate’s Blog

I wondered how I would feel this day, since I was 17 & was raped by Means while he was on the Trail Of Broken Treaties in 1972 with his AIM Boyz,…(they… all so entranced by what Means projected, but never really was)…

Manipulated into going against everything their Lakota parents & grandparents had taught them, so strong was the hold upon the very young Lakota AIM followers & members….

I always wanted to know if it was Means idea of my rape, while he was in the middle of his Sun Dance commitment at Ceremonial Chief & Holy Man, Frank Fools Crows altar…dancing right next to my Father, Professor Calvin Dupree, or was it his Government handlers…?

What a coincidence that Adrienne Riegert, granddaughter of Wilbur A. Riegert, curator of the WK Museum in 1973, & also the former allotment agent at Cheyennne River in the 1930′s, whos books… I am a Sioux, & Quest for the Pipe of the Sioux, As Viewed From WK, which was one of the targets during the Seige of WK by AIM….was suppressed by academia, & nearly destroyed at WK ’73.

That Adrienne & I would both be abused by AIM within a span of a year…     Two 1st Nations women of the future, who held the key to the truth…about the Pte Hincala Cannunpa Kin, because it was something both of us as children were taught….the truth pertaining to the White Buffalo Calf Pipe.

The master manipulator is gone, & now we all look forward to a more positive future, as the Old AIM guard with their violence, abuse, drugs, lies, theft of Lakota ceremony, & self-serving propaganda fade away…
Hopefully, the AIM legacy left behind… is one we can over come, not just for the Lakota, but..    the overall culturally negative effect the greatest hoax in history (AIM) has had on all of mankind.

Pilamayaye yelo, Wakan Tanka


Why & how it happened

“I did not report the rape by Means, because the rape was to insight revenge & rage in my Father, who had been passed the Cannunpa by FFC in 1971.
Any confrontation with AIM leadership over the rape, would have led to my Father’s own death-murder at the hands of AIM, when he… as any Father would have done had I told him, would have confronted the rapist of his child, a fellow Tetuwan Sun Dancer, in the middle of his Sun Dance Commitment at FFC’s altar, that is just not done or allowed in Lakota spiritual protocols, period.

AIM could claim again & petition to FFC… my Father, was not a full blood or worthy, & Crow Dog should be allowed to carry the Cannunpa, (which would have been even more disasterous to Lakota spirituality & faith), with LCD’s ego, embellishments, & blood of the innocent on his hands.”

“I took my lumps & responsibility for taking what my Aunties & female cousins thought about AIM, as my own…that I was safe with my own people, & was not at risk, I let my guard down…

I was at the wrong place, at the wrong time… with the wrong people.

As so many good people were, & were hurt badly in some way by their encounter…with AIM.

I walked into a set-up, a pre-conceived, well thought out plan of AIM leadership & their handlers of how AIM & Means planned their spiritual & cultural takeover, & that would encompass the rape & murder of many real, authentic 1st Nations people & their children who resisted AIM’s negative & brutal influences.

I never said a word about the rape to my Father, though Means called me daily from the road on the Trail of Broken Treaties, & directly from BIA Offices in Washington DC to find out if I had….

But, Frank Fools Crow knew, he could look inside you & know everything about you with the touch of his hand on your shoulder…


Means & Banks knew the Ceremonial Chief & Holy Man had had a plan for my Creation, & duty to my Tetuwan people, & FFC knew I had not done anything to provoke or bring upon the rape by Means myself…
There was a reason Means had 18 AIM members, (to bear witness to his rape of me), & none of the observers even attempted to help me, or stop Means in any way, for the rape was for Means to show all who were there to see, his AIM followers, not much older than my own 17 years…. no matter who’s child, wife, or Mother being abused by him…or anyone in AIM….
AIM was now in charge…  Extracted from LBW Blog ….


LastRealIndians a Ripple Effect of  AIM

~Denis Pictou Maloney~ “LRI will never address violence against women because they support and hang with those who do. Period. I had several conversations with both Chase Iron Eyes and his wife Sarah Jumping Eagle and updated them on the information and truth regarding my mothers murder.

Chase at first accused me of mudslinging, which I corrected him and said asking him if he was associated with AIM was not mudslinging. He then said his family were AIM members and he preferred to focus on the positive aspects of our youth and he came from another generation.

Sarah seemed genuinely concerned but drew quieter and more silent the more I shared with her about the internal abuse my mother suffered. Chase then said he wished he had more time to discuss this but he was busy with Pesla and then he and Sarah both unceremoniously unfriended me .

They now both know the truth about the AIM leaderships complicity in my mothers murder and that they currently publicly support my mothers murderers along with Leonard Peltier. What they do with it and who they support will be on their conscience. “


Chase Iron Eyes prefers to focus on the positive aspects of our youth?

Oct. 25,2012, posted at LRI , Chase seizing on the moment to re-plaster LastRealIndians again with AIM, it’s ShowDog & Clyde , who will be the next LRI promotes and adorns that carries the blood of innocents on their hands.

For 30+ years they sat back and watched the youth evade accountability as those who would not fall inline with AIM’s teachings were blundered and raped , watched the youth shore up together declaring the abused deserved such treatment because the abused could not conform to what they knew in heart was wrong, and people today wonder why the suicide rates are so high …. wondering how “Devouring of children’s souls” would apply here.

At any rate both Crow Dog and Madonna (Gilbert) Thunder Heart are directly involved with the murder of Perry Ray Robinson and it’s cover up, they are both directly involved with the coverup of Annie Mae’s murder for so many years , while lying to all about the occurrences and to this day cover up for the murder and where Perry Ray is buried at Wounded Knee.

Chase says he is concerned with this generation while he does nothing for advocacy of Women except to promote the likes of Madonna Thunder Heart who interrogated Annie, to include slapping her around, then said nothing about Annie’s execution and continues to say nothing  for Perry Ray Robinson Jr.

Some role models that group is for the concern of 1st nations youth, what does anyone expect “them”, to give to the now generation while they continue their AIM scripts of fund raising and champion flag waving saying they are going to save Pe Sla. Heck, Chase’s wife Sara Jumping Eagle says they are here to fulfill prophecies, that she is not directly affiliated with LRI and knows little about AIM. Selective memory eh?

All around it stinks for the now generation that follows the lead of Russel Means and LRI who are wanting to be warriors that exploit ancestry and beg the global community for $$$$ under the pretense of being traditional people.

Does anyone recognize these so called warriors always seem to use “for the benefit or protection of children” to promote themselves

Vagabon Pour l’ éternité – Russell Means & the New AIM

Walking without a path for Eternity ~Ishak (Sunrise People)~

Chase Iron Eyes and the LastRealIndians , a ripple wanting to be a wave of destruction , sooner or later Russell Means and other destroyer’s ripple’s will turn into flat lines with no sense of place, no sense of honor, no common sense’s , it’s to their own choosing.

Yes it is sad what “they” do to teachings, tradition, culture, etc …. i hold sorrow for those who are so uninformed and follow blindly to the point that if someone says, “that is an ant pile you are standing in” , even if they see the ant pile, some elect to stay even as they get chewed up.

For Those Who Are Not and Will Not Become

Mind Boggling Mindless Wonders


Good Riddance to Russell Means, it’s too bad his stupidity has to drag so many people with him & Vern Bellcourt.

Get in line Dennis Banks , Clyde Bellecourt, John Trudell, Leonard Peltier, CrowDog, Madonna Thunder Heart, etc., etc., etc….


B. J. Jones Turns LLBO into Kangaroo Court

October 20, 2012


Laisse le Vent Souffler, J’en ai Déjà vu Avant

(let the storm winds blow, i have seen it before)


Je me Fous Pas Mal !


Source: fb Native American Civil & Human Rights Organization

There is a little civil suit matter going on in the Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe Tribal Court that the outcome could effect any tribal member who marries a non-tribal member or non-native by banning them from the reservation. This banishment outcome has the potential to sweep across Indian Country as the Judge residing over this civil case is a Federal Law Lawyer who is building his career with the focus on banning non-natives from Indian lands.

The Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe (LLBO) never held a referendum vote from their tribal members to banish members or non-members. Nor does the LLBO have an ordinance to banish tribal members or non-tribal members off the reservation.

The contracted Federal Law Lawyer B. J. Jones was hired as a conflict judge under the Leech Lake Tribal Court according to the court administrator, who also stated the Judge can do whatever he wants, if he bans a tribal member or non-native, then that is the ruling. But, NACHRO met with LLBO Acting Executive Director {June 2012} who stated the Judge is contracted to reside as the Leech Lake Court Judge and is not above the Tribal Council and there isn’t any ordinance that allows banishment, therefore the Judge can not rule in favor of banning anyone from the reservation.

If a non native lives on private land within tribal boundaries and is banned from the reservation, I wonder if this is a violation of their civil rights?? The Civil Rights Act does not cover native tribes. But, it covers non-natives living on their own private property that happens to be within tribal boundaries.

The fact that this civil case can point a canon and target all culturally mixed couples residing on reservations. If the couple owns private land and home and banned, then they are ordered to leave their property. This is a violation of the non-native’s rights meaning to use a judicial system to discriminate the unions of culturally mixed couples.

The case file is CV-11-09. White VS. Wade. Plaintiff’s Lawyer is Paul Day, Anishinabe Legal Service. The LL Court appointed Victor Smith to the defendants. Victor Smith also is on the BOD for Anishinabe Legal Services, in other words Paul Day’s supervisor. The Judge is BJ Jones, {advisor for Lakota Peoples Law Project along with ex Senator Abourezk} Federal Law Lawyer hired as LL Court Judge. Why is Leech Lake Court using a lawyer who is an advisor for the Lakota Peoples Law Project ?

A final hearing has been set Oct, 26, 2012 at the Leech Lake Tribal Court, before Judge B. J. Jones of S. Dakota who is an adviser for the Lakota Peoples Law Project , .

The Lakota Peoples Law Project includes AIM member Madonna Thunder Hawk who was over seer of the Wounded Knee Clinic , during the AIM Wounded Knee Occupation when the Black Civil Rights Activist Perry Ray Robinson, who marched with Martin Luther King in his earlier years of life, was shoved into a closet and bled to death after he was beaten and shot by AIM over an argument about Robinson eating a bowl of oatmeal instead of responding immediately to an order by Dennis Banks to attend a meeting. Robinson was then buried somewhere at Wounded Knee and to this day Perry Ray Robinson’s wife continues to try and have his body returned home for a proper burial.

AIM member Madonna (Gilbert) Thunder Hawk also was a participant with the interrogation of Annie Mae Pictou Aquash, a MikMaq Woman from Nova Scotia. Thunder Hawk slapped Annie Mae around , other interrogation tactics by AIM included Leonard Peltier shoving a gun in Annie Mae”s mouth calling her a Pig informant. Leonard Peltier admitted to murdering 2 FBI agents to Annie Mae and Kamook Nicholas (Dennis Banks ex-Wife). These are some of the truths that led to the convictions of 2 AIM members for the murder of Annie Mae.

That execution was ordered by AIM Leadership,  during 3 separate trials where AIM members Arlo Looking Cloud and John Graham were convicted for the murder, and  Thelma Rois for kidnapping , it was established that AIM leadership ordered the execution.

The Lakota Peoples Law Project also has ex Senator James Abourezk listed as one of their advisers, who’s son Charlie was at Russell Means brother, Bill Means house the evening prior to Annie Mae being taken out at dawn, shot in the back of the head, and dumped into a ditch like garbage by AIM members Arlo Looking Cloud and John Graham. The ex-Senator’s son Charlie, did nothing to stop the execution of Annie Mae that AIM leadership ordered.

All of these people lied to the world for 25+ years up until the convictions in 2004 and 2011, saying it was the FBI that murdered Annie Mae, and now after 3 courts that included over a half dozen AIM members  witness testimony , AIM and affiliates claim the government made them murder Annie Mae , and declare the acts of murder and trials as a “political issue.” AIM leadership and much of it’s membership support the convicted murders John Graham and Arlo Looking Cloud along with Leonard Peltier saying this is a “political issue.”

The murder of Annie Mae, Perry Ray Robinson, and other innocents within the Wounded Knee occupation, several corpses of women as reported to the FBI by Lakota Spiritual man Matthew King, are not “political issues”. The continued struggle of Justice for those murdered innocents is based on morals and ethics, which it is evident those previously mentioned do not hold.

It is peculiar for Leech Lake Tribal Court to bring in a Lawyer from such a distance to be the tribal court judge for a simple property dispute, thou not unexpected considering BJ Jones is tied to the hip pockets of Abourzek and his AIMster tin soldiers.

Why does the acting Judge intend to attach a banishment punishment to a civil case?

The initial Judge who accepted the case into tribal court was  Joe Plumber, who  is on the board of directors for Anishinabe Leagal Services, who then resigned from the tribal court and went to Clyde Bellecourts White Earth Reservation, the Plaintiff is Represented by Paul Day of Anishinabe Legal Services, Cherylin Z. Martin-Wade is represented by Victor Smith of Walker MN. Mr Smith is also on the board of directors for Anishinabe Leagal services. All of these facts combined equate to conflict of internist.

The newly elected Leech Lake Tribal Council woman Carri Jones has made it very clear she supports Dennis Banks, and utilized him in her recent campaign drive for election and it is awful odd that there are so many connections to AIM and affiliates with this civil case that is suppose to be about, accusations of personal property not being returned to Mr. Randolph White of Onigum.

The Mindless Wonder Speaks

“He robbing us, he is doing it improperly , illegally”

~Dennis Banks~

10-22-12: update: Final Hearing re-scheduled to Nov. 9th

October 8, 2012

Isn’t it a Pity , Isn’t it a Shame?


“My question here is, with the Executive Order President Obama signed in the spring of 2011 that allows the Federal Government to seize privately owned rural lands, & Indian Reservation lands deemed necessary for US interests…

Will this apply to the 9 million dollar land just purchased back…. that was privately owned, (Reynold’s family) by the newly reformed Seven Council Fires Council of the Tetuwan Dakota-Lakota-Nakota of their age old Sacred Ancestorial (lands) territories…?

Intel that came in not long ago about who was the legal team behind this land sale, was another familiar name involved in the collusion of the Anna Mae Aquash-Pictou AIM rape-execution murder, along with the manipulation of Arlo Looking Cloud legal defense case, having Arlo taking the fall for everyone in AIM & AIM’s enablers, who were really behind the Aquash-Pictou rape-execution…to keep AIM’s secrets secret.” -LBW-

Looking Back Woman-Suzanne Dupree blog

But, who is benefiting from these donations that AIM canvasses for????

Are the donation funding that seems to remain coming in… to keep the aging AIM leadership in hair color appointments, fancy Buckaroo outfits, dental veneers, & relaxing time for themselves & their families…at the casinos, or is the donations earmarked to put food on the table for many starving & freezing in the winter, baking in the summer ill housed Lakota, Elders, abused Lakota women, & their children… who never see the bright lights of Hollyweird…except on TV, like the rest of us common folk.

The nemesis (Hollyweird’s unrealistic portrayal) of 1st Nation people, that we 1st Nations people have had to beat back daily (along with Hollyweird’s legend for AIM) with everything 1st Nations people have to overcome, like the sterio typing & misconceptions of our daily lives, our faith, & our ceremonies…because, if there is any way…

View original post 412 more words

Remember Me When It Rains

October 7, 2012

“Remember Me When It Rains” ~ Annie Mae~

Oct 6, 2012
“Today we laid the stone on our mothers final resting place. With the help of family we gathered and held a small private ceremony and laid the stone.”

Denise Pictou Maloney…. Justice for Annie Mae Pictou Aquash Woman Warrior



“In memory of the Grandmother I Never Knew”

video by Annie Mae’s Granddaughter


“Family”- Dancing in the Sky by Alan Syliboy

Whats the Buzz – Black Robes & AIM Pilgrimages

October 5, 2012

Black Robes & AIM going for the land grab to exploit ancestry

It is obvious why Rosebud insists on “legal title” for themselves even though  quite a few other Nations have ancestral connections to Pe Sla. It seems for a dozen or so Tribes to put up 750,000 each for the lands to be placed in some form of trust is not an option. Why Not?

In the Oct. 3rd NY Times article,  Mr. Boyd, treasurer of the Rosebud states,  “It was always our intention to work with other tribes.”

Rosebud press release about securing funds: “The Rosebud Sious Tribal Council expressed its wish to work with other tribal councils on the management of the site, “if the sale is finalized in Rosebud’s favor”

Pe Sla defined as Pilgrimage Site again

Oct. 3rd 2012: NY Times article, “Our ceremonial patterns would collapse,” said Victor Douville, who teaches Lakota history and culture at Sinte Gleska University in Mission, S.D. Mr. Douville said that there had been annual_pilgrimages at Pe’ Sla for 3,000 years,

Sept 3, 2012 , AIM affiliated Lastrealindians and the Lakota Peoples Law Project press release defined Pe Sla as:  “The Lakota pilgrimage site Pe’ Sla  for the Sioux Nation“

Reverend Linda Kramer of Borderlands Ranch conducts “Spiritual Pilgrimages” in the Heart of Pe Sla as per her words along with the spiritual person Ben Rhodd from Rosebud who did the shake and bake ceremony for Chapel of Sacred Mirrors ceremonial grail. And with Rev. Martin Brokenleg, an Episcopal priest who is also a Benedictine oblate of Blue Cloud Abbey. More than half the chapters  in the Rule of St. Benedict describe how to be obedient and humble, and what to do when a member of the community is not.


“In 1998 through 2000 the Gatherings were held at Borderlands Retreat Center, on the Pesla, the Heart of the Heart of Turtle Island. Ben Rhodd was instrumental in bringing the Spiritual Unity Gathering to the Black Hills in 1992 and has continued his involvement throughout the period.” – The Gathering of Eagles –


Working relationship thus far of Douville who was quoted in the NYTimes:

personal collaborators, Victor Douville & Rev. Linda Kramer of Borderlands Ranch

Ben Rhodd conducts SunDances and Sweats at Borderlands Ranch for Linda Kramer who’s Spiritual Pilgrimages consist of a  mixture of Celtic, Anglican and Lakota beliefs and ceremonies to build  “her” spiritual community. He is a contract archeologist for Rosebud and is a member of the Potawatomi and Choctaw tribes of Oklahoma who teaches about Lakota Star Knowledge. Seminar of Ben Rhodd for Sinte Gleska University at the “First Church of What’s Happening”. Get ready for these people and AIM affiliations to take their “Great Mystery”  teachings and transform ancestry into the “Great Unfathomed Mystery for a pay to play and pray Disney Land.



other  blogs entries about Pe Sla

Leonard and Margaret Reynolds , Pe Sla

I Know it’s Shining Down Like Water

Pan Handlers Trying to Wash Away Blood

A Gay Kingman Pony’s Up with AIM

Sara – I See Nothing – I Hear Nothing



On another Note about Burials

Rosebud Sioux Tribe getting $6.8M grant for veterans cemetery

August 17, 2011

A $6.8 million grant from the Department of Veterans Affairs will pay to build the cemetery north of Mission that is the first joint project between the VA and a tribal government in the United States.

The Sicangu Akicita Owicahe, or Rosebud Sioux Tribe Veterans Cemetery, will be located on 80 acres of tribal land about 10 miles north of Mission. Construction bids for the cemetery have been awarded to J. Scull Construction of Rapid City. It is expected to open for burials in 2012 or later. Read More ….  and News Release from Dept. of Veterans Affairs or Dept. of Veterans Affairs 

Sara – I See Nothing – I Know Nothing

October 2, 2012

“We are fulfilling the prophecies set before us by the Creator and our ancestors” –Sara Jumping Eagle of LastRealIndians

Sara Jumping Eagle Fund Raising Statement

 “When someone asked me today, how would I feel if Pe’ Sla were to be bought by a developer, and destroyed, or paved with a road…. I couldn’t talk for awhile – I couldn’t speak – there was a pain in my chest, and I cried.” –Sara Jumping Eagle

Why is it, LastRealIndians and Borderlands Ranch are no longer saying anything about South Rochford Road being Paved? It’s obvious the concern of development is now in their AIM affiliation favor. To think those yoyo’s settled  for a new sofa and love seat in their homes to sit back and watch the exploitation of Pe Sla unfold.



Will They Multiply  Like Fruit Fly’s?

“The Lakota pilgrimage site Pe’ Sla  for the Sioux Nation“

– LastRealIndians-

Now that the purchase agreement for Rosebud is in the process of being finalized Rosebud Tribe has expressed the intent to develop Pe Sla. Other development spearheading  intent by  LastRealIndians and Borderlands Ranch  supporters such as Carla Rae Marshall of Cheyene River who’s idea includes multiple buildings to mirror Lakota teachings of the Seven Sisters and The Morning Star.  Development  of Pe Sla is NOW Acceptable for the need of the children ?

Sept 15  Carla Rae Marshall:  “I did met Linda some years back, I only just recently visited her home about a month ago”

 Sara Jumping Eable presents herself and LastRealIndians with Tammy Faye Baker rhetoric of Prophecies while at the same instance mummers  “I See Nothing, I Hear Nothing” as they watch  Pe Sla transformed into a  cash crop field for spiritual exploitation.


” This whole country changed with only a handful of raggady ass pilgrims that came over in the 1500’s and it can take a handful of reggady ass indians to do the same. I intend to be one of those raggady ass Indians.” Annie Mae Pictou Aquash


other Blog entries on Pe Sla

Leonard and Margaret Reynolds , Pe Sla

I Know it’s Shining Down Like Water

Pan Handlers Trying to Wash Away Blood

A Gay Kingman Pony’s Up with AIM

Sara – I See Nothing – I Hear Nothing

Whats the Buzz –  Black Robes & AIM Pilgrimages
